Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 1

Hello and welcome to my blog. This is where I'll be posting updates about my journey in completing the 2012 Boston Marathon. My goal time is 4 hours which is roughly a 9:10/mile pace. 

I was accepted on behalf of Bay State Games to run for their charity. This is extremely awesome because I actually get a real bib number! The caveat? I have to raise $4000.00 by the time of the marathon. Running a marathon has never been an ambition of mine until recently. I've actually always hated running growing up. A mile would seem like an eternity, and now I plan on running 26.2. I must be utterly ridiculous.

I suppose I'm at a point in my young adult life in which I want to see how many outrageous feats I can perform. This marathon is just another line on my bucket list of under 25 activities to do. Getting so hammered and not remembering the night is on the list along with a few other unimportant things. But this marathon I believe will be turning point for something greater. 

I hope to gain back the thirst and desire to accomplish something out of my reach. For too long now, I've been living in a comfort zone. It's time to extend my drive and desire to something that seems unreachable at the moment. Therefore, the idea of running a marathon came into fruition. 

So begins my journey. 

Let's begin with how you can help me donate. Go to this site: www.razoo.com/KevinMiao On the left hand side of the site, you'll see a little donation area. Please donate an amount you see fit. All donations go to Bay State Games. Of course, I appreciate all donations in helping my endeavor and I will do my best to respond to my donations with a personal thank you because I really do 100% appreciate you in helping me.

Second, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send this link around and tell your friends to donate. The minimum donation is only $10 which is not that much at all! The money goes a long way in helping kids participate in sporting activities to get away from life and stay active. This is a charity that I handpicked and felt was most near and dear to my heart. So please take the time to put this link on your Facebook, email it to your buddies or just text it to a random friend. 

Now that the politics are out of the way, I want to get to the purpose of this blog. This blog's functionality is to keep me grounded and sane for the next couple months of training. It will also serve as a reminder of what I am trying to accomplish. I won't be able to escape the fact that people are reading this blog and keeping up with my activities. Therefore, I will constantly have to train and update. It's just an extra motivational tool. I also find writing down my thoughts and feelings to be extremely helpful.

The other reason is so friends and family can keep up with what I'm doing. I will be updating this with donation total so far, mileage ran and how I feel in general about my training. So without further disruption, training begins tomorrow 11/16/11.

I'll be running 3 miles tomorrow as a warm up and to get my body rolling for the next 6 months of hell. I thank you all for taking your time in reading this blog and...

Please do not forget to donate! www.razoo.com/KevinMiao